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  • Millions Recovered For Slip & Fall Clients

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  • Serving Slip & Fall Victims Since 1986

  • No Fees Unless We Win


  • $$$ Maximum Compensation

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  • We'll Get You The Compensation You Deserve

Best Slip & Fall Lawyers in New Rochelle, NY Since 1986

New Rochelle Slip, Trip & Fall Injury Case Review

"It was a stress-free and timely process thanks to all the hard work of this dedicated firm!"

Nicole W.


"Thanks to Stephen Mahon’s perseverance and impeccable handling of my case I finally received the monetary compensation I was hoping for."


Have you or a loved one been injured in a slip and fall? With over 35 years of experience with trip and fall accident-related cases in New Rochelle and surrounding areas, Curan & Ahlers is ready to fight for you. If you're looking for experienced slip-and-fall lawyers in New Rochelle, give us a call today.

We handle many different New Rochelle slip and fall injury cases that could result in medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, and more. 

Keith J. Ahlers - Founding Partner


New Rochelle Slip, Trip & Fall Video

Personal Injury: Slip and Fall
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New Rochelle Slip and Fall Attorneys

Your Trusted New Rochelle Slip and Fall Lawyers at Curan & Ahlers

Welcome to Curan & Ahlers, your trusted personal injury law firm serving the vibrant community of New Rochelle, New York. At Curan & Ahlers, we understand the challenges that slip and fall victims face, and we're here to provide the support and legal expertise needed to navigate through these difficult times.

Common Causes of New Rochelle Slip and Fall Accidents


New Rochelle's unique weather patterns and property conditions can contribute to slip and fall incidents. Harsh winters bring snow and ice hazards, making sidewalks and parking lots treacherous. Negligence in property maintenance, such as poorly kept common areas, can also lead to accidents. Inadequate warning signs further increase the risk of slip and fall incidents.


Common Injuries in New Rochelle Slip or Trip and Fall Accidents

When a slip and fall occurs, injuries can range from fractures and sprains to more severe head and spinal injuries. Orthopedic injuries like fractures and sprains are common, while incidents may also result in concussions or traumatic brain injuries. Back and spinal cord injuries can have long-term consequences, requiring extensive rehabilitation.


Compensation for New Rochelle Slip and Fall Victims

Victims of slip and fall incidents in New Rochelle may be entitled to various types of compensation, depending on the circumstances of the accident and the resulting injuries. At Curan & Ahlers, we strive to help our clients recover the full range of compensation they deserve. Here are some types of compensation that may be available for New Rochelle slip and fall injury victims:


Medical Expenses:
Coverage for all medical costs related to the slip and fall incident, including hospitalization, surgeries, doctor visits, prescription medications, and rehabilitation expenses.


Lost Wages:
Compensation for income lost due to the inability to work during recovery. This may include temporary disability, reduced earning capacity, or even permanent disability if applicable.


Pain and Suffering:
Non-economic damages designed to compensate for the physical pain, emotional distress, and overall suffering endured as a result of the slip and fall accident.


Property Damage:
Reimbursement for any personal property damaged during the incident, such as clothing, electronic devices, or other belongings.


Home Modifications and Accommodations:
If the slip and fall incident resulted in permanent injuries, compensation may cover necessary modifications to the victim's home or accommodations to enhance daily living.


Rehabilitation Costs:
Coverage for expenses related to rehabilitation services, physical therapy, and ongoing medical treatments aimed at improving the victim's quality of life and functionality.


Legal Fees:
In many personal injury cases, legal fees are typically contingent on a successful outcome. If the case is successful, the legal fees are often deducted from the compensation awarded to the victim.


Punitive Damages:
In cases where the property owner's actions were particularly egregious or involved willful misconduct, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the responsible party and deter similar behavior in the future.


It's essential to consult with a knowledgeable New Rochelle Slip and Fall Lawyer to evaluate the specifics of your case and determine the types of compensation that may be applicable to your situation. Our legal team at Curan & Ahlers is dedicated to helping slip and fall victims secure the maximum compensation available under the law.

How a New Rochelle Slip and Fall Lawyer Can Help

A New Rochelle Slip and Fall Lawyer from Curan & Ahlers can be a crucial asset in your pursuit of justice and compensation. Here's how our experienced attorneys can help:


Legal Expertise: Our lawyers possess in-depth knowledge of personal injury law, particularly in the realm of slip and fall cases. We are well-versed in the intricacies of New York laws related to premises liability and negligence, ensuring that your case is approached with the right legal strategies.

Investigation and Evidence Gathering: Building a strong case requires a comprehensive investigation. Our legal team will diligently gather evidence related to your slip and fall incident, such as surveillance footage, witness statements, and property maintenance records. This thorough approach strengthens your position and bolsters the chances of a favorable outcome.

Negotiation Skills: Many personal injury cases, including slip and fall incidents, are resolved through negotiation rather than trial. Our lawyers are skilled negotiators, advocating on your behalf to reach fair settlements with opposing parties, such as property owners or insurance companies. We strive to secure the compensation you deserve without the need for a protracted legal battle.

Litigation Representation: In cases where a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, our legal team is prepared to represent you in court. We will construct a compelling case, present it persuasively, and navigate the complexities of the legal system on your behalf. Our goal is to secure the maximum compensation possible to address your injuries, damages, and losses.

Guidance and Support: Dealing with the aftermath of a slip and fall incident can be overwhelming. Our lawyers provide compassionate guidance and support throughout the entire legal process. We keep you informed, answer your questions, and alleviate the stress associated with pursuing a personal injury claim.


By choosing a New Rochelle Slip and Fall Lawyer from Curan & Ahlers, you are aligning yourself with dedicated legal professionals committed to safeguarding your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Curan & Ahlers: New Rochelle Slip and Fall Attorneys


If you or a loved one was injured in a slip and fall accident in New Rochelle, take the first step towards justice. Schedule a free consultation with Curan & Ahlers, where our dedicated team will assess your case and discuss the best course of action for you. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to help you through every step of the legal process.

Contact us today to begin your journey towards the compensation and justice you rightfully deserve. Don't wait – let Curan & Ahlers be your advocates in your slip and fall case.



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Curan & Ahlers LLP

Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys in Westchester County, NY
14 Mamaroneck Ave.
White Plains, New York 10601

Local: 914-428-3313

National: 800.585.3314
Fax: 914-949-5800

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