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  • Serving Slip & Fall Victims Since 1986

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  • We'll Get You The Compensation You Deserve

Best Slip & Fall Lawyers in Ossining, NY Since 1986

Ossining Slip, Trip & Fall Injury Case Review

"It was a stress-free and timely process thanks to all the hard work of this dedicated firm!"

Nicole W.


"Thanks to Stephen Mahon’s perseverance and impeccable handling of my case I finally received the monetary compensation I was hoping for."


Have you or a loved one been injured in a slip and fall? With over 35 years of experience with trip and fall accident related cases in Ossining and surrounding areas, Curan & Ahlers is ready to fight for you. If you're looking for experienced slip and fall lawyers in Ossining, give us a call today.

We handle many different slip and fall injury cases that could result in medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, and more. 

Keith J. Ahlers - Founding Partner


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Personal Injury: Slip and Fall
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Curan & Ahlers: Ossining Slip and Fall Lawyers

Here to Help After Your Ossining Slip and Fall Injury


Welcome to Curan & Ahlers, your trusted personal injury law firm in Ossining, New York. Our dedicated team is here to support you in the aftermath of slip and fall accidents, offering expert legal guidance to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

What are some common causes of Ossining slip and fall accidents?

In Ossining, like in many other places, slip and fall accidents can occur due to various factors. Some common causes of slip and fall accidents in Ossining include:

  1. Wet or Slippery Surfaces:

    • Spills in grocery stores, restaurants, or other public places.

    • Wet floors in entryways during rainy or snowy weather.

  2. Uneven or Damaged Surfaces:

    • Cracked sidewalks or pavement.

    • Uneven flooring in buildings or on walkways.

  3. Inadequate Lighting:

    • Poorly lit stairwells, hallways, or parking lots.

    • Insufficient lighting in public areas.

  4. Poorly Maintained Walkways:

    • Lack of proper maintenance in parks, public areas, or private properties.

    • Failure to clear debris or fallen leaves on walkways.

  5. Ice and Snow Hazards:

    • Accumulation of ice on sidewalks or parking lots during winter.

    • Failure to promptly clear snow and ice from public or private property.

  6. Lack of Warning Signs:

    • Insufficient signage indicating potential hazards.

    • Failure to warn visitors of ongoing maintenance or cleaning activities.

  7. Defective Stairs or Railings:

    • Broken or uneven steps.

    • Loose or missing handrails on stairs.

  8. Improperly Maintained Floors:

    • Torn carpets or rugs.

    • Slippery or damaged flooring surfaces.

  9. Cluttered Walkways:

    • Obstacles in walkways that impede safe passage.

    • Poorly organized or crowded spaces.

  10. Footwear or Clothing Issues:

    • Inappropriate footwear for weather conditions.

    • Clothing that obstructs vision or movement.


It's important to note that property owners and managers have a responsibility to maintain safe premises and address potential hazards promptly. If someone is injured due to the negligence of a property owner or manager, they may be eligible to seek compensation for their injuries through a slip and fall claim. If you find yourself in such a situation, consulting with a slip and fall lawyer can help determine the best course of action.


What are common injuries in Ossining slip and fall accidents?

Slip and fall accidents in Ossining, like elsewhere, can result in a range of injuries, varying in severity. Common injuries sustained in Ossining slip and fall accidents include:

  1. Sprains and Strains:

    • Damage to ligaments, tendons, or muscles due to sudden twists or impacts.

  2. Fractures and Broken Bones:

    • Breaks in bones, often occurring in the wrists, arms, ankles, or hips.

  3. Head Injuries:

    • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can result from falls, leading to concussions or more severe brain damage.

  4. Back and Spinal Cord Injuries:

    • Falls can cause damage to the spine, resulting in varying degrees of impairment.

  5. Soft Tissue Injuries:

    • Damage to soft tissues, such as bruises, contusions, or lacerations.

  6. Dislocations:

    • Joints can be forced out of their normal positions, causing pain and limited mobility.

  7. Cuts and Abrasions:

    • Surface injuries resulting from contact with rough or sharp objects during a fall.

  8. Contusions:

    • Bruises caused by blunt force trauma, often resulting from impact with a hard surface.

  9. Internal Injuries:

    • Injuries to internal organs, such as the spleen or liver, can occur due to the force of a fall.

  10. Psychological Injuries:

    • Emotional distress or anxiety may result from the trauma of a slip and fall incident.


The severity of these injuries can vary, and some may require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, or long-term care. It's crucial for individuals who have experienced a slip and fall accident to seek prompt medical attention to assess and address any injuries.

If a slip and fall accident is the result of negligence on the part of a property owner or manager, the injured party may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Consulting with a slip and fall lawyer can help victims understand their rights and pursue the appropriate legal actions.


What are some types of compensation that may be available to Ossining slip and fall victims?

Ossining slip and fall victims may be eligible for various types of compensation, depending on the circumstances of the accident and the resulting injuries. Common types of compensation that may be available to slip and fall victims in Ossining include:

  1. Medical Expenses:

    • Coverage for hospital bills, doctor's visits, surgeries, medications, and other medical treatments related to the injuries sustained in the slip and fall.

  2. Lost Wages and Income:

    • Compensation for income lost due to the inability to work during recovery, including both short-term and long-term disability.

  3. Pain and Suffering:

    • Damages awarded for the physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish resulting from the slip and fall accident.

  4. Rehabilitation and Therapy Costs:

    • Compensation for ongoing rehabilitation, physical therapy, or occupational therapy needed to recover from injuries sustained in the accident.

  5. Property Damage:

    • Reimbursement for damage to personal belongings, such as clothing or electronic devices, that occurred during the slip and fall incident.

  6. Loss of Consortium:

    • Compensation for the negative impact the injuries may have on the victim's relationships with family members, including loss of companionship or intimacy.

  7. Out-of-Pocket Expenses:

    • Reimbursement for any other expenses incurred as a direct result of the slip and fall accident, such as transportation costs for medical appointments or home modifications.

  8. Wrongful Death Damages:

    • In the tragic event of a fatal slip and fall accident, surviving family members may be eligible for compensation for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and other related damages.

  9. Legal Fees:

    • In some cases, legal fees may be covered as part of the compensation awarded to the victim.


It's important for slip and fall victims to document their injuries and related expenses thoroughly. Consulting with a slip and fall lawyer can help determine the types of compensation applicable to the specific case and guide the victim through the legal process to seek the maximum recovery.


How can the slip and fall lawyers at Curan & Ahlers help with your claim?

The slip and fall lawyers at Curan & Ahlers are dedicated to assisting individuals who have been injured due to the negligence of others. Here's how our experienced legal team can help with your slip and fall claim in Ossining:

  1. Thorough Investigation:

    • Our lawyers will conduct a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances of your slip and fall accident. This includes gathering evidence, obtaining witness statements, and assessing the conditions that led to the incident.

  2. Determining Liability:

    • Identifying the party or parties responsible for the accident is crucial. Our lawyers will analyze the evidence to establish liability, whether it be a property owner, manager, or another party.

  3. Negotiating with Insurance Companies:

    • We will handle communications and negotiations with insurance companies on your behalf. Our goal is to secure a fair settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries, medical expenses, and other damages.

  4. Filing a Lawsuit if Necessary:

    • If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations, our lawyers are prepared to file a lawsuit on your behalf. We will guide you through the legal process, representing your interests in court.

  5. Providing Legal Representation in Court:

    • Should your case proceed to trial, our skilled attorneys will provide strong and effective representation in court. We will present your case persuasively, aiming to achieve the best possible outcome.

  6. Ensuring Timely Action:

    • Time is of the essence in personal injury cases. Our lawyers understand the importance of acting promptly to preserve evidence, meet deadlines, and protect your legal rights.

  7. Maximizing Compensation:

    • Our goal is to maximize the compensation you receive. We will assess the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other applicable damages.

  8. Personalized and Compassionate Approach:

    • At Curan & Ahlers, we understand the challenges you may be facing after a slip and fall accident. Our lawyers provide personalized and compassionate support, keeping you informed throughout the legal process.

  9. Experience in Personal Injury Law:

    • With a wealth of experience in personal injury law, our firm has successfully handled numerous slip and fall cases. We leverage our knowledge and skills to build strong cases for our clients.

Contact Curan & Ahlers Today For A Free Case Consultation!


​If you've experienced a slip and fall accident in Ossining, don't hesitate to reach out to Curan & Ahlers for a free consultation. Our legal team is here to advocate for your rights and help you pursue the compensation you deserve.​



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Curan & Ahlers LLP

Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys in Westchester County, NY
14 Mamaroneck Ave.
White Plains, New York 10601

Local: 914-428-3313

National: 800.585.3314
Fax: 914-949-5800

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